Our Sustainability Work
Knowit’s role as a leading consultancy firm in the digitalization sector is growing in importance from a sustainability perspective. Here you can read how we contribute to a more sustainable and humane future.

Vision, strategy and sustainability targets
Knowit’s general sustainability target is that we, together with clients and partners, work to actively contribute to the UN Agenda 2030 and the development of society, with a particular focus on positive environmental and climate impact, and increased inclusion.
For us, sustainability is about creating long-term value by integrating environmental, social, and financial risks, and opportunities in business strategy and operations. Integrating sustainability contributes to creating an attractive and flexible company that is equipped for a changeable business landscape.
Our vision – a sustainable and humane society
With a basis in our vision of a sustainable and humane society, we can be a positive force in matters relating to both environment and sustainability in a broader perspective.
Knowit is a member of the UN Global Compact, which means that we are to conduct business in an ethical manner, showing respect for our own employees and those of other companies, as well as minimize negative environmental impact.
With a basis in the principles, we strive to develop our operations in accordance with sound business practices and correct behavior in the areas of human rights, labor law, environment, and anti-corruption.
Our Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Equality and diversity policy, Work environment policy, and Sustainability policy are rules which govern and reflect our work in the sustainability field.
Sustainability strategy – Makers of a sustainable future
Being a facilitator and creating digital solutions together with our clients, with a positive impact on the sustainability challenges of society.
In 2022, the Board established sustainability targets for the Company. These targets are based on our vision to contribute to a sustainable and humane society.
Reference cases where Knowit has contributed with significant sustainability benefits
We are a member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and work to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the ten principles relating to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
The path to a fossil-free Knowit
Read more about our milestones on the path to a fossil-free Knowit by 2045.
Stakeholders and material issues
Knowit's materiality analysis is the basis for how sustainability is integrated into the company's strategy and reporting.
Horizon scanning
Knowit’s materiality process to identify the most important issues contributes to prioritizing the sustainability issues that Knowit should focus on. The first step in this is a horizon scanning that we call Navigating 2030, which shows four areas that clearly impact on the planet and everyone living on it.
GRI, climate report and certification
Find out more about our Carbon Footprint Assessment in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) and environmental certification according to ISO 14001:2015. We report with reference to the GRI standards.
Our policies
It is important to us to have clear ideas and frameworks as a basis in our efforts to be the best employer we can be. For that reason, we have a set of internal regulations which together with the external rules make up the framework for our operations.
Of our net sales shall by 2030 the latest contribute to at least one of the UN sustainable development goals where Knowit can make the largest difference.
We shall halve the company's CO2 emissions by 2030 at the latest, according to the Science Based Targets set by the company and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), with 2019 as the base year.
We shall be an inclusive workplace with an even gender distribution among executives at all levels, between 40 and 60 percent over time.
Reporting of our sustainability work
The companies of the future
Read more about our sustainability efforts, targets and results on our path to becoming a company of the future. Learn how we work with goals and follow up on climate efforts to reduce our own emissions in line with the 1.5° C degree target. Discover our activities to ensure ethical deals, solid equality work, a healthy workplace, and maintaining labor and human rights.
The path to the value chain of the future
Our goal is to maximize the positive effects in Knowit's value chain and reduce the negative impact by collaborating with suppliers and sub-consultants with the same fundamental value as us. Learn about our activities, targets and progress within our value chain.
The path to the business of the future
With our expertise in innovation and digitalization, we can help both customers and society as a whole to develop sustainable, smart solutions to societal challenges linked to, for example, climate, energy, the environment and cyber security. Read about our activities, targets and progress.
The path to the business of the future
The path to the society of the future
Through our partnerships, we can collaborate and contribute to the UN 17 goals for sustainable development and the ten principles that are linked to international conventions on human rights, labor law, the environment and the fight against corruption. Read about our initiatives and partnerships that aim to help accelerate the UN SDGs.
Do you want to know more?
Are you interested in how we work with sustainability at Knowit? Feel free to contact me, and I'll be happy to tell you more.

Joakim Pilborg
Head of Sustainability