The companies of the future
Read more about our sustainability efforts, targets and results on our path to becoming a company of the future.

What is a company of the future?
The company of the future refers to the company's own sustainability activities. For Knowit, this means working with goals and following up the company's climate efforts and reducing its own emissions in line with the goal of halving emissions before 2030 and the goals set to reach Net Zero no later than 2045. We also ensure ethical business, solid equality work, our employees being able to develop on the healthy workplace and that labor and human rights are maintained, in line with Knowit's Code of Conduct.
1) Knowit has committed to decreasing its absolute emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3, respectively) by at least 50 percent by 2030, compared with an average of the emissions in 2018, 2019, and 2020.
2) In 2023, Knowit has also undertaken to set long-term goals for decreasing CO2 emissions up to 2045 along with a plan on how any remaining CO2 emissions shall be dealt with then. All in accordance with the Science Based Target Initiatives Net Zero Standard.
Result: See picture.
1) Since 2018, Knowit performs and annual Carbon Footprint Assessment to understand how its footprint is changing and what actions are needed to achieve the targets set.
2) In 2018 and 2019, Knowit and more than 40 other companies in the digitalization consultancy industry devised a roadmap for a fossil-free, climate-positive, competitive digitalization consultancy sector. The roadmap was drafted on commission by the Swedish government within the framework of the governmental initiative on a Fossil-Free Sweden. Part of the roadmap was that Knowit committed to halve the CO2 emission from its own operations in 2018 by 2030, and to be entirely fossil-free by 2045.
3) In 2023, we began the work to ensure that Knowit’s significant suppliers have climate ambitions in line with or exceeding ours.
4) Knowit invests in projects for climate offsetting, outside its own operations and value chain, corresponding to Knowit’s remaining emissions.
5) To reduce Knowit’s own impact, the Company has during 2021 established science-based targets in line with a net zero future, as a response to what the latest research indicates is needed to limit the effects on the climate.
Target: Knowit’s goal is to measure and follow up on the work of having a robust system to prevent instances of corruption and wastage, and to increase transparency regarding risks.
Result: The Whistleblower matters reported during 2023 have been managed in accordance with Knowit’s routines.
KPIs | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
(2-16 and 2-26) Number of whistleblower matters | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
(205-3) Number of corruption matters during the year | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Activities: Knowit shall adhere to the ethical rules for communication, marketing, and advertising that are relevant for the markets on which we operate. When employees represent Knowit, they shall observe Knowit’s Code of Conduct. In 2023, we introduced an online training in anti-corruption for managers and salespersons for the purpose of increasing awareness on corruption risks in connection with signing deals.
Knowit has a whistleblower function where employees and external entities can report if they discover any behavior that does not reflect Knowit’s Code of Conduct. Knowit’s whistleblower function is provided by an external supplier and is available through the Knowit's intranet and external website. The external supplier ensures that the identity of the person reporting is protected and that he/she will remain anonymous. All new employees are informed about the function as part of the introductory program.
1) Knowit has a goal of an even gender distribution (40–60 percent) among executives at all levels in Knowit. Knowit’s goal is to measure and follow up its equality work.
2) We have implemented a diversity and inclusion index.
1) The proportion of women among recruiting and salary-setting managers is shown below.
Proportion of women among recruiting and salary-setting managers
• 2023: 42%
• 2022: 40%
• 2021: 40%
• 2020: 40%
• 2019: 38%
2) The diversity and inclusion index in the fall of 2023 was 84, whereas the reference index for our industry is 79.
1) Within Knowit, there are now 63 nationalities among employees and an age span from 20 to 76 years. In 2023, Knowit was included on Allbright’s green list. Knowit will continue its active equality work to increase its range of cultural diversity. An important step in this work is the diversity and inclusion training for all Knowit employees that was introduced in early 2023. The course teaches our employees more about how active work on diversity and inclusion contribute to healthy employees and companies, as well as expanding Knowit’s culture and getting hands-on tips on how they, as employees, can contribute.
2) Another important step in our equality work is the implementation of a diversity and inclusion index. The first measurement using this index was performed in the fall of 2022.
3) Active work is continually performed to prevent and counteract the occurrence of sexual harassment. Our plan of action against discrimination and harassment/sexual harassment is updated continuously and the latest version is always available on Knowit’s intranet and external website.
Target: Knowit's goal is to have an ill health metric below 2.5 percent.
Result: See picture. The metrics on ill health in the digitalization sector in general, and at Knowit, are lower than in society in general. The largest health risk in our sector is that of psychological or social ill health due to a demanding work situation and stress. The long-term trend for both long-term and short-term sick leave at Knowit continues downward and we see an improvement in total sick leave compared with the previous year, from 3.5 percent in 2022 to 3.2 percent in 2023.
Activities: Knowit estimates that the ill health goal can be reached through continued education and follow-up of both managers and employees, and a retained focus on rehabilitation of those on long-term sick leave.
1) Knowit’s employees should feel that their work contributes to their clients’ sustainability work and Knowit’s vision of a sustainable and humane society.
2) In 2023, Knowit introduced a new KPI to measure the proportion of employees who have undergone Knowit’s group-wide sustainability education.
(Independently defined indicator)
The proportion of employees that has taken Knowit’s group-wide sustainability training
• 2023: 59%
• 2022: –
• 2021: –
• 2020: –
• 2019: –
The two images below show to what degree Knowit’s employees feel that their work contributes to a sustainable and humane society and how they perceive their circumstances for actually doing this.
1) I feel that I, through my work, have the opportunity to contribute to Knowit's vision of a sustainable and humane society:
2) I have access to the means (e.g., tools, resources, time, knowledge, mandate) needed to take actions for a sustainable future.
In 2023, the Company introduced a general sustainability course serving to increase the general level of knowledge and understanding of the possibilities and risks of digitalization from a sustainability perspective. The course in mandatory for all Company employees and is also included in the onboarding program for new recruits.
Within the framework of the sustainability training, we also offer specialization courses and forums for in-depth analysis of relevant sustainability matters and methods related to Knowit’s business areas. These courses have been drawn up in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Target: Knowit’s goal is an eNPS (the willingness to recommend the workplace) of over 30 over time. This result is a proof of our ability to recruit and retain talent.
Result: In 2023, Knowit’s eNPS has fallen from 38 to 29 but is still much higher than the sector’s average of 20.
(Independently defined indicator)
eNPS (employer Net Promoter Score)
• 2023: 29 (20*)
• 2022: 38 (16*)
• 2021: 30 (16*)
• 2020: 32 (7*)
• 2019: 37 (7*)
* ) Industry reference value.
Activities: As an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, new ways of working, with digital meetings and teleworking, have developed. Knowit strives to continue developing these new work methods, to give employees a chance to work more flexibly and efficiently than before. A mix of working in an office and teleworking will decrease the risk of psychosocial ill health, while also creating better conditions for creativity and work-life balance.
Target: All of Knowit’s employees shall have read the Company’s Code of Conduct.
Proportion of employees who have undergone a Code of Conduct training
• 2023: 96%
• 2022: 93%
• 2021: 88%
• 2020: 87%
• 2019: 87%
(Independently defined indicator)
Labor law disputes during the year
• 2023: 0
• 2022: 0
• 2021: 0
• 2020: 0
• 2019: 0
Activities: Knowit’s corporate culture, which is characterized by the meeting between responsible managers and employees, is based on respect, openness and honest. Knowit’s Code of Conduct governs how Knowit creates relationships with the Company’s stakeholders. Knowit observes laws and ordinances in the countries in which it operates, as well as complying with governing documents, such as company-specific regulations and policies.
Discover our other sustainability efforts
Do you want to know more?
Are you interested in how we work with sustainability at Knowit? Feel free to contact me, and I'll be happy to tell you more.

Joakim Pilborg
Head of Sustainability