The path to a fossil-free Knowit
Here you can see our milestones on the path to a fossil-free Knowit by 2045.

Knowit publish its first annual climate report. The report is made in accordance with Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, an international reporting standard to estimate and report on the climate impact of an enterprise including scope 1, 2 & 3.
Roadmap for a fossil-free Sweden. During 2018 we, together with around 40 other companies in the digitalization consultancy sector, worked to create a roadmap towards a fossil-free, climate-positive, and competitive digitalization consultancy sector. The plan was drafted at the request of the Swedish government, within the framework of Fossil-Free Sweden.
The calculations in the climate reports are made in accordance with a standard on climate neutrality called PAS 2060. The climate neutrality is reviewed and confirmed by ZeroMission in accordance with the standard. Based on the climate reports and through active measures, conscious choices, and carbon offsetting, Knowit is declared a climate-neutral company since January 1, 2019.
Hand-over of the digitalization consultancy’s fossil-free roadmap to the Swedish Government. One aspect of the roadmap was the commitment to halve the CO2 emission from our own operations by 2030, as compared with 2018, and to be entirely fossil-free no later than 2045.To succeed with that, we need to decrease our flying and extend the lifespans of our computers and cellphones, among other things.
Knowit becomes a partner to the Exponential Roadmap Initiative. Knowit is taking the next step in its long-term sustainability efforts, becoming a supporting partner to the Exponential Roadmap Initiative. The partnership means that Knowit is acting in line with the 1.5°C Business Playbook and aims to continuously support its clients in integrating climate into their business strategies and digital transformations. The goals are to contribute to halving global emissions before 2030, as a step towards net zero, and to contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.
Knowit joins the UN Race to Zero campaign. Through the partnership with Exponential Roadmap, Knowit joins the UN’s global climate campaign Race to Zero.
Knowit joins UN global Compact (UNGC). As a UNGC member, we are committed to actively working with sustainability matters and annually reporting the progress of our sustainability efforts to the UN. The membership also involves a responsibility to promote the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals and ten principles connected to international conventions on human rights, labor law, the environment, and fighting corruption.
Knowit implemented a four-pillar disclosure model in its sustainability report, based on the Exponential Roadmap’s 1.5°C Business Playbook, to illustrate the ambition, strategies, and progress within its sustainability efforts.
Knowit joins the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) and sets science-based targets and commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 Green House Gas (GHG) emissions 50 percent by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Knowit also commits to reduce its absolute scope 3 emissions from purchased goods and services, business travel, and employee commuting 50 percent within the same timeframe.
In addition, Knowit introduces a new sustainability target. Based on the commitment to actively contribute to the UN Agenda 2030 and the development of society, with a particular focus on positive environmental and climate impact. By 2030, 80 percent of Knowit’s net sales shall contribute to at least one of the UN sustainable development goals where Knowit can make the largest difference. In 2021, 67 percent of net sales contribute to at least one of the nine sustainable development goals where Knowit can make the largest difference. Among the 17 UN SDGs, Knowit has selected SDGs 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 16.
Knowit chooses to perform climate offsetting by another 10 percent beyond what is needed for climate neutrality in accordance with the PAS 2060 standard. This means that Knowit is a climate-positive company since January 1, 2022.
Knowit has committed to setting long-term targets for the company's CO2 emissions in accordance with the Science Based Targets initiative Corporate Net-Zero Standard. This means that we will supplement our previous goal of halving our CO2 emissions by 2030 at the latest with a long-term goal for emission reductions to 2045 together with a plan for how we will manage the possible CO2 emissions we have left then. For more information about the standard and what our commitment means see Science Based Targets initiative Corporate Net-Zero web site.
Knowit joins the Sustainability Council of the industry association TechSverige, and at the same times leaves Digitaliseringskonsulterna. The Sustainability Council works actively to both develop the sustainability efforts of the tech sector in a positive direction and to highlight the sector as an enabler of sustainable development throughout society, with the ambition of being the collective voice of the entire sector as regards the sustainability area.
Knowit prepares for the reporting requirements that come with the EU sustainability agenda and new directive, CSRD. During the year we performed a CSRD gap analysis and our first double materiality assessment (DMAs).
Knowit is committed to reducing emissions by 50% in 2030 compared to base year 2019, in line with the Paris agreement and validated by Science Based Target. In order to meet its commitment, the Group annually decides on actions for emission reductions as described in the carbon action plan.
The plan is updated annually based on the result of the carbon assessment. Knowit’s carbon assessment is carried out in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the operational control approach. See Knowit Carbon Footprint Assessment for further details.
Do you want to know more?
Are you interested in how we work with sustainability at Knowit? Feel free to contact me, and I'll be happy to tell you more.

Joakim Pilborg
Head of Sustainability