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CTEK’s path to CSRD compliance with a Double Materiality Assessment (DMA)


In collaboration with Knowit, CTEK conducted a Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) and a gap analysis to align with CSRD requirements. Through this project we identified CTEK's key sustainability topics and evaluated current reporting practices to enhance the management of sustainability risks and opportunities.


Navigating evolving sustainability regulations and reporting requirements

As a company committed to sustainability, CTEK needed to ensure its reporting was not only comprehensive but also aligned with the dual perspectives of impact and risk/opportunity, as required under the CSRD. With the directive mandating greater transparency and accountability, the company needed to address both its internal sustainability impacts and the risks and opportunities posed by external environmental and social factors. 

In addition, CTEK’s existing sustainability reporting processes had gaps that needed to be identified and addressed to meet the CSRD’s disclosure requirements. The complexity of assessing ESG topics from both an impact and risk/opportunity perspective required an in-depth analysis to prioritize the most material issues. CTEK sought a structured, reliable framework that would enable them to bridge these gaps and elevate their sustainability reporting to the required standard, while also enhancing their overall strategic approach to sustainability management. 


A collaborative approach towards CSRD readiness

To address CTEK’s requirements, Knowit implemented a structured and collaborative Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) process, designed to pinpoint material sustainability topics. This involved a series of workshops and interviews with key stakeholders across CTEK’s value chain, ensuring a holistic view of the sustainability issues relevant to their operations. By engaging participants from various departments, the assessment captured diverse insights and expertise, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and opportunities CTEK faces in their sustainability journey. 

Each identified sustainability topic was evaluated and scored by participants to prioritize the most critical areas for action. These results were consolidated and subsequently validated during a workshop with CTEK’s management team. This final validation step ensured that the findings aligned with the strategic priorities of the organization and provided a clear pathway for addressing material sustainability topics in a manner that supports both regulatory compliance and long-term business resilience. 

In parallel, Knowit conducted a gap analysis by mapping CTEK’s existing sustainability reporting practices against the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) requirements for all identified material topics. This analysis identified key areas where CTEK needed to enhance their reporting to meet CSRD standards. As a result, Knowit provided CTEK with a tailored roadmap outlining the steps necessary to address these gaps and prepare for their first CSRD-compliant report, positioning the company to meet future regulatory demands with confidence. 


Elevating sustainability awareness and strategic alignment with CSRD requirements

As a result of the Double Materiality Assessment (DMA), CTEK identified and prioritized the material sustainability topics that are critical for their operations and aligned with the CSRD reporting requirements. This process enabled the company to define a clear focus for their sustainability reporting, ensuring compliance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and positioning CTEK to deliver a comprehensive and CSRD-compliant sustainability report. The identified topics now guide the company’s sustainability strategy, addressing both impact and risk perspectives, which are crucial for regulatory adherence. 

Moreover, the project significantly enhanced CTEK’s understanding of their sustainability-related impacts and dependencies along the entire value chain. This increased awareness not only helped them identify areas for improvement but also strengthened their ability to make informed, data-driven decisions regarding sustainability risks and opportunities. By mapping out these dependencies, CTEK can now mitigate risks more effectively and capture new opportunities, leading to more resilient and forward-looking operations. 

The project also succeeded in raising sustainability awareness across the organization, particularly among CTEK’s leadership team. The workshops and stakeholder engagement fostered a deeper commitment to sustainability, embedding it as a core business priority. This cultural shift, combined with the structured roadmap provided by Knowit, empowers CTEK to not only meet regulatory requirements but also to drive long-term sustainability performance. 

How this solution contributes to Agenda 2030

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: The DMA helped CTEK identify material sustainability issues, enabling the company to optimize resource use and minimize waste across its operations. By understanding the environmental impact of their products and processes, CTEK is better equipped to promote sustainable production practices. 

SDG 13: Climate Action: Through the assessment, CTEK gained insights into how their operations contribute to climate-related risks and opportunities. This enables the company to implement strategies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency, and contribute to mitigating climate change. 

SDG 12
SDG 13

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Signe Mörner
