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Lisepedia – A Hundred Years of Joy


Liseberg's 100-year legacy in a scroll-through. The reworked Lisepedia offers an immersive experience to explore the park's history, from its humble beginnings to becoming a beloved cultural landmark for both locals and international visitors.

Lisepedia uppslagsverk på en mobil.

Comfortable disorientation

Lisepedia is a carrier of culture – a place to both relive memories and experience new things. It invites visitors to explore without a set path. Inspired by the "comfortable disorientation" concept of Liseberg park’s layout, it balances conventional site navigation with a sense of adventure, alluring users to discover fascinating facts and stories. The user is always just one click away from another interesting path.

Photos are the main attraction

Shifting from a previously text-heavy approach, Lisepedia now highlights images as the main attraction of the digital experience. Current and old times come to life through the photos, telling the story of both Liseberg and the city of Gothenburg and its people.

Colour palette, Lisepedia
Startpage, Lisepedia
Logotype, Lisepedia

An attraction in itself

Lisepedia reimagines the typical encyclopedia site. We challenged the norms, making it more engaging, data tangible, and experience-driven like the amusement park. Lisepedia deserves to be a digital attraction in its own sense.

Startpage, Lisepedia, mobile

Do you want to know how we can assist you?

Give us a call or send a message, and I will get in touch with you.

Urban Nyblom

Business Director

Knowit Experience Stockholm