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Paving the way for an equal society


One in six Norwegians has a disability. The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (FFO) is the umbrella organization for these people. FFO and Knowit have performed a thorough overhaul of FFO's brand identity, positioning, and digital presence as a leading organization in inclusion and equality.

Leveling disparities is no simple task

The fight for an equal society is not simple. It takes its toll. FFO is one of the trailblazers in the fight for a more inclusive Norway, with 88 member organizations and almost 400,000 members in total. Knowit's goal was to develop a brand identity and digital platform that clearly communicated FFO's mission: To fight for a society free from barriers, assert the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities, and pave the way for an equal society.
The new brand identity was intended to present FFO's message in a uniform manner, both internally and externally, towards member organizations and their members, as well as the rest of the population, external decision-makers, politicians, and society in general.
FFO Knowit
FFO Knowit

Strategic decisions

Previous insights showed that many people were uncertain about FFO's role. It was difficult to understand what the organization does and why. FFO also experienced a challenge related to overwhelming amounts of information, with over 6,000 unique URLs on the website and a lot of duplicated content. This had to be dealt with, so that FFO's role as Norway's largest and most influential organization for people with disabilities became clear.
Knowit met the challenge head on. We delivered a full, carefully thought-out toolbox for FFO's new brand identity. With strong visual elements, we ensured recognizability across channels, so that FFO comes across as a confident and professional leader in the field. A key element of the visual profile is the "path," an elegant line that can be varied using a separate grid system, and that communicates the vision of "paving the way" for an equal society.
We also introduced a minimalist color palette with a small set of colors, starting from the main color "blurple", with an easily readable yet recognizable typography. To ensure that the final solution was user-friendly and accessible, we conducted thorough user testing with the help of the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted and Knowit's test panel for accessibility.
FFO Knowit
FFO Knowit

Digital transformation

We soon found that the websites needed extensive structural changes due to navigation difficulties and information pressure. The new website is designed as a static web app. It is based on thematic content filtering, maximum usability, and significantly improved accessibility, which has resulted in high scores in Lighthouse evaluations. These changes have not only improved the content flow and user experience on the website, but also made the website faster and reduced CO2 emissions.

FFO Knowit


With a new brand identity and market position, FFO's digital presence has gained in power. The new solution, based on the vision of "paving the way" for gender equality, reflects FFO's dedication to inclusion and its role as an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. The new, unified brand identity and digital platform are designed to engage a range of shareholders and strengthen FFO in the fight for equality, participation, and freedom.
In short, FFO's strategic brand transformation and digital renewal have set a new standard for organizational presence in the digital age, with a modern, inclusive, and effective approach to activism and societal engagement.

Do you want to know how we can assist you?

Give us a call or send a message, and I will get in touch with you.

Urban Nyblom

Business Director

Knowit Experience Stockholm