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Personalized website using AI


Familjebostäder's new website is now launched, including digital services on My Pages. The new solution aims to make everyday life easier for the 44,000 tenants, while using AI technology to tailor the content for each unique visitor.

The need: A flexible website that simplifies life for tenants

Familjebostäder was in great need of a new, flexible, and long-term website. The primary purpose of the new solution was to simplify the daily lives of Familjebostäder's tenants, with a goal of creating a user experience that is fully tailored to the tenants' needs. The goal was to increase the use of digital services while contributing to business goals, but the site also needed to be scalable, flexible, and easy for editors to use.

Digital services based on user needs

To understand customer needs, we started with a thorough preliminary study collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. This included a survey sent to tenants, traffic analysis, in-depth interviews, observations, and workshops with tenants and staff. Furthermore, we worked with customer journeys, mapped the biggest needs, and conducted several workshops with customers to define vision, goals, priorities, technical conditions, solution ideas, and visual concepts. Through wireframes, prototypes, and design sketches, we arrived at a concept that we tested on users from our focus groups before development began.


Personalized experience with AI

The biggest challenges in the project were that target groups had different conditions, backgrounds, and digital habits. One of the key parts of the concept was therefore the personalization of content through AI and machine learning, to present the content that the visitor wants or is looking for. This means that the website's content is based on tenants' needs and goals, rather than editorial assumptions. Tenants and other visitors can now expect a personal and customized experience every time they visit the website. The user also doesn't have to search for information as the site is proactive and predicts what the visitor wants, which in turn eases the burden on customer service.

Our goal is to simplify everyday life for our tenants, and after a thorough needs analysis, we have focused on what our tenants have expressed is most important. This largely involves clearer and better information about what is happening in the house and the area, and making it easier to access e-services. This has been possible through a creative collaboration with the strong team at Knowit Experience.

Mia Wester Carlsson,

Communications Manager & Operations Leader, Familjebostäder


A green and accessible website

Knowing that the internet contributes to large emissions, it was important for the project team and the customer to create a 'green experience' by reducing the website's climate impact. This was done by reducing the weight of the content, optimizing code, and making the user journey shorter with fewer clicks to the final goal.

We also aimed to create an inclusive solution that everyone, regardless of functional variations, can access. By considering accessibility throughout the process, our certified UX designers and Art Directors have been able to create solutions that welcome all users on equal terms, from visual design to technical choices, and from wireframes to development.

To ensure delivery, a comprehensive and collective accessibility review was conducted at the end of the project phase, when content begins to be implemented but before launch. This way we ensure both the solution and the content. The review was done through screen reader tests on different devices, operating systems, and browsers, as well as automatic tests. Additionally, we reviewed all the success criteria in WCAG 2.2 AA to ensure accessibility in all the different page and block types we developed. The results have been compiled into an accessibility statement published on the website.

Short about Familjebostäder

Familjebostäder in Stockholm is a municipal housing company owned by the City of Stockholm. The company focuses on building, owning, and managing rental apartments in Stockholm to provide the city's residents with good and affordable housing. Their goal is to offer safe and pleasant living environments and contribute to the city's development through new construction and the renovation of existing properties. Familjebostäder also works on social and ecological initiatives to promote sustainable residential communities.

Do you want to know how we can assist you?

Give us a call or send a message, and we will get in touch with you.

Urban Nyblom

Business Director

Knowit Experience Stockholm