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Annual General Meeting

The highest decision-making body is the General Meeting (GM), and it is here that shareholders can exercise their influence over the Company.

The GM shall be held within six months of the end of the financial year. All shareholders that are registered in the share register, and have given notice of their participation in due time, have the right to participate at the GM.

Shareholders can vote for the total number of shares they hold and may be accompanied by two advisors. Shareholders that cannot participate may be represented by a proxy. 

The GM covers matters including:

  • Election of the Board
  • Election of auditor, if applicable
  • Dividend
  • Adoption of income statement and balance sheet
  • Discharge of liability for the Board Members and the CEO

Shareholders have the right to have matters raised at the GM if an appropriate notification has been made to the Company in due time before notice to the GM is sent out. A matter received no later than seven weeks before the meeting is always considered to have been received in good time.

Read more about the AGM

Annual General Meeting 

AGM Archive

AGM 2025

Nomination Committee

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Welcome to contact us!

Annika Billberg

Investor Relations

Christina Johansson

Head of Communications