The AGM 2023 elected the accounting firm KPMG AB as auditor until the end of the AGM 2024. The auditor-incharge is Helena Arvidsson Älgne. KPMG AB has conducted the audit of Knowit AB and its subsidiaries. In exceptional cases, other agencies performed audits of individual subsidiaries. They then reported to KPMG AB.
The auditor's assignment
An auditor is elected by the General Meeting, for a term running up until the end of the General Meeting during the financial year after the election. The auditor is assigned to review Knowit’s Annual Report, accounting records and the administration performed by the Board and CEO.
The auditor delivers a report to the Annual General Meeting. Shareholders have the opportunity to ask the auditor questions during the General Meeting.
The auditor's work during 2023
During the year, the auditors have, in addition to reviewing the Company’s books, performed brief audits of the Company’s third interim report.
The auditors have participated at all seven of the Audit committee’s meetings. On two occasions, they presented reports on significant observations – in connection with the third interim report and the finalization of the administrative audit, and in connection with the year-end report. Following the review of the Annual Report, the auditors present an audit report.
The auditors’ written report was distributed to the entire Board and the chairman of the Audit committee presented the most significant parts from the report.
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Annika Billberg
Investor Relations

Christina Johansson
Head of Communications