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Nomination Committee of Knowit AB


Knowit’s Nomination Committee ahead of the AGM 2022 has been appointed.

Pursuant to the instruction to the Nomination Committee of Knowit AB, the Nomination Committee shall consist of one representative for each of the three largest registered shareholders that wish to participate in the work, along with the Chairman of the Board.

The new Nomination Committee consists of: 

  • Malin Björkmo, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
  • Karin Dennford, appointed by JCE Group AB
  • Teresa Enander, appointed by Formica Capital I AB
  • Jon Risfelt, Chairman of the Board


Teresa Enander has been named Chairman of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee represents around 25% of the ownership in the Company.

Shareholders who wish to make suggestions to the Nomination Committee can submit them to


Christina Johansson

Head of Communications